Something unusual and wonderful has happened! Da Capo Press has allowed Amazon to go ahead with pre-orders for The Castaway's War!!! This is highly unusual, but very welcome. The book will get so much press in the next year, it's incredible. This is our book, about our ship and one of her men. Lots of the guys are mentioned, men Steve interviewed, people I interviewed, excerpts from letters and other documents - a lot of research and heart went into this book from everyone involved. I have already had a glance at the manuscript and have a very good feeling about it. I wish it could have been twice as long truthfully, so much had to be omitted due to publishing constraints. I hope to fill in some gaps with my own book if we ever do get an expedition. There are also so many other stories that could be told and any one of you could do the job as well. I'd be happy to help anyone with research if you choose to tell the story of your sailor.
True release is scheduled for the first of July 2016 around the 73rd anniversary of the sinking.