“No, I had no information that we were going west until we arrived in Panama and I was ordered through the canal. The Atlantic destroyers returned north and we kept going. I was also sad as you could probably tell from my letters. However it had to happen sometime, and perhaps it was for the best. We have got to get on with this war and good destroyers are needed here in the Pacific.”
In our time of instant communication with texting, Skype, email and cell phones, it's hard to imagine waiting weeks to learn about changes in the destination of your loved one aboard a ship. And how different could their destiny have been if they hadn't gotten those orders to proceed west through the canal? There are so many “what if's” in there, they could fill the back of a semi. He was not allowed to tell his men that their orders had been changed until they were well under way, on their way to the Pacific.
Over time, I'll share more of the Captain's thoughts and experiences as captain of “a snappy well trained organization.” I hope you enjoy learning more about STRONG and her crew.